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Advise and advocate for employers and employees with listening, expertise and trust

Anticipating legal risks and encouraging amicable settlements are our priorities. When the intervention of a judge is unavoidable, CLEO AVOCATS represents its clients before all courts involved in labor law, throughout France: labor courts, judicial and local courts, administrative courts, courts of appeal.

Secure the social regulations of your company or association

Health and safety, prevention of moral and sexual harassment and discrimination
Hiring and contracts
Compensation policy (employee savings, profit-sharing and incentive schemes)
Rules of procedure and charters
International mobility
RGPD and new technologies
Workplace accidents and occupational diseases

Supporting the termination of the employment contract

Redundancy (personal or economic)
Contractual termination (individual or collective)
Negotiated measures and devices accompanying the rupture

Strengthening social relations

Collective bargaining in the company and social policies
Staff representation
Functioning of the CSE

Evolve collective statutes

Professional equality between women and men
Working hours
Collective performance agreement
Quality of life at work


To share our experience, our practice through training on all topics of employment law, for management teams, managers, elected officials and trade unions.

Working as specialists

CLEO AVOCATS works with partner firms that are experts in business law, corporate law, literary and artistic property law, family law, public law and tax law to address all aspects of a case in a specialized manner.
CLEO AVOCATS has a long history of working with trusted bailiffs, notaries and accountants throughout the country.

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