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In accordance with the deontological rules of the legal profession, the fees are adapted to the client's financial situation, to the difficulty of the case and to any particular circumstances of the case.
A written agreement is always concluded prior to our intervention.
Lawyers' fees are subject to VAT at a rate of 20%.
CLEO AVOCATS is equipped with legal tech which allows to follow the fees incurred at any time. The client can set a ceiling to which he will be alerted.
The first appointment is charged at 150 € HT, for one hour of consultation (unless the file is then transferred to the firm).

Possible billing methods

Time-based fee

Hourly rate from 220 to 280 € HT

Flat fee

Depending on the difficulty of the case and its nature

Profit and loss fee

In addition to the time-based or flat fee. It is generally from 10 to 13 % HT of the amounts obtained


For more predictability in the case of long-term support, depending on the client's needs.

Some examples

Litigation for an employee relating to an individual dismissal for personal reasons:
fixed fee of 3.500 to 5.000 € HT and result fee of 10 to 13 % HT of the amounts obtained.

Classical electoral litigation before the local court (as plaintiff or defendant):
fixed fee from 1.600 to 2.500 € HT

Assistance to an employee in the context of a breach of employment contract :
Fees based on time spent, with a limit on the number of hours and a result fee of 10 to 13% before tax of the amounts obtained.

Back office" assistance in the context of a negotiated termination of an employment contract without direct participation in the negotiation :
fee based on time spent.

To know

Check your insurance contracts, you may have taken out legal protection. In this case, you can choose your lawyer and your insurer will cover all or part of the fees.
In the event of litigation (civil, criminal or administrative), the judge may order the party who lost the case to pay part of the legal costs of his opponent.
The amounts awarded are determined by the court.

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